
East Hampshire Veterans Festival

Veterans Festival Poster

The King’s Arms Youth Charity

Message from the The King's Arms (Youth Project)

Dear member of the Horndean Area local community

As you may have already heard The King’s Arms Youth Charity has been exploring opportunities to open a new youth project in the heart of Horndean, to serve young people aged 11-18 years.

The King’s Arms (often abbreviated to “KA”) has been in existence for 25 years, working initially in Petersfield, and for 5 years now also in Alton, providing youth clubs and mentoring services, support for young carers, young people with learning difficulties, and much more. We work predominantly from our two youth centres and in local schools. We are proud to have made a huge impact in young people’s lives. You can find out more about KA and our vision and values from our website:

Following a call from the local community in the ‘Southern Parishes’ of East Hampshire - including the schools and district and parish councils- KA have been exploring how we might extend this vital work into the Horndean area. We have found what we believe would be the ideal location: The Old Library on Five Heads Road. It is close enough to Horndean Technology College, has enough space for the work we do, and has lots of other benefits. The building has been empty for at least three years. KA would want to keep the basic exterior look of the building whilst putting it to an exciting new use.

KA can organise the project, but needs the local community to provide funds, volunteers and ‘contributions in kind’ to make this succeed for local youth. We can seek some grant funding from local and national organisations, but that will not be enough to deliver the whole dream. To update you, this is the current situation:

The building is owned by Hampshire County Council, who have declined to sell direct to KA, or lease it to us, and instead decided to put it on the market once again, to maximise their income. Earlier this year we successfully got the building designated as an “Asset of Community Value”, which gained some limited time for us to explore the level of interest, but that time is now running out - we have been given until 7th October to put in an offer.
Although The King’s Arms is experienced in delivering youth work, it is not currently in a position to purchase the building ourselves, nor fund running the youth services, so we are aiming to gather together whoever will help, in supporters, donors and community partners for the sake of our young people.

On 7th October the County Council will consider any new bid we can make alongside bids from other interested parties.

Therefore, we are appealing for support from all. Could you help us purchase this wonderful part of Horndean’s heritage and turn it into an incredible asset for young people living and going to school in Horndean and the surrounding areas? Do you know someone who might be able to help? Nationally and locally the value of youth work is being recognised again, and we want to do more in this area.

If you are able to assist financially including materials and running costs, please would you let me know what you are able to pledge by 30th September 2024 so we are able to combine resources to submit a bid on the communities behalf and retain the building for invaluable youth work.

Also, if you need more information about The King’s Arms, please get in touch with me as soon as you can, using the contact details below.

Dom Clarke
Programme Manager

The King's Arms (Youth Project)

Hampshire Police

Crime Prevention Bulletin January 2025

Crime Prevention Bulletin December 2024

Crime Prevention Bulletin November 2024

Crime Prevention Bulletin October 2024

Crime Prevention Bulletin September 2024

Hampshire Alert Logo

The Police

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Phone Scam Alert – Out of the blue? No thank you…

Good afternoon,

We’re receiving a high number of reports from victims of fraud who have responded to phone calls purporting to be from banks/building societies and/or utilities including Sky, Virgin Mobile etc. 


Please try to get into the habit of letting calls from unknown/withheld/private numbers go to voicemail.  If they leave a message and you wish to respond, wait a few minutes for the line to clear, then double-check that you are calling the genuine person/organisation.


Dial 159 to get you through to any bank/building society or, alternatively, use the phone number on the back of your debit/credit card.  Why not save 159 into your phone now so it’s there when you need it?


Our colleagues at the  Met Police have made this this short, signed, subtitled video about scam calls: Vishing bitesize guide (subtitles & sign) on Vimeo


For more information about phone scams also see: The Little Booklet of Phone Scams (


Inform your credit card company/bank IMMEDIATELY if you believe you have been scammed.


If this message is not relevant to you, please share it with friends and family members who may find it more useful.


Hampshire Alerts is not a crime reporting portal – please do not report crime here.

If you realise you’ve been scammed and wish to report a fraud that has already happened, please report it to Action Fraud either phone 0300 123 2040 or online at: Action Fraud

If a crime is in progress, and/or you are in fear for yourself or someone else, and/or there is evidence in situ that could be damaged/destroyed, please phone 999 immediately. 

Otherwise, report online, or find out about other ways to report a crime at: Report a crime | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary

Thank you – Fraud Safeguarding Team


Message Sent By
Fraud Safeguarding Team
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, Fraud Safeguarding Officers, Hampshire and Isle of Wight)

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Home-Start Butser

Home Start Butser - Volunteer Leaflet


Homestart Butser Poster

Being a parent has never been easy. It can be lonely, frustrating, heartbreaking and overwhelming. Life changing events can happen to anyone. All parents struggle at one time or another. That is why Home-Start is ready to support families through their toughest times.

Volunteers are trained to provide practical and emotional support to families with young children through one-to-one home visiting and in Home-Start Butser’s Family Groups.

All our services are based around the principal that volunteers offer no judgement, just compassionate, confidential help and support.

If you would like to find out how to get help or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer visit: - 01730 233755

Report cyber-offences, scam/phishing emails, texts & websites

Advice on reporting cyber-offences –

Received a phishing email? – Report it now to

Received a suspicious text message? – Forward it now to 7726

Report a scam website? –


Walking Poster

Are you fed-up with doing the same old walks?

Walking in Hampshire is the website for you!  

With hundreds of walks to download and print, free, it also has books of walks, contact details for all the walking groups in the county and much more. Whether you want to walk on your own or with a group all the information is there in one place.

John said ‘There is so much walking information on the web but it is difficult to find. Walking in Hampshire (part of the Walking in England suite of websites (  – one for each county in England) has brought it together in one place so whether you are walking from home, or away on holiday, you will be able to find a walk suitable for you’.

With walks from half a mile to twelve miles plus long, and a note of suitability for pushchairs and wheelchairs, everyone can find a walk to enjoy.

So home or away, check out the websites and get walking!

John Harris


Footpath Closures

Potential closure of footpaths: Information for residents can be found via the following link below. If any footpaths, including urban paths are not shown, an application needs to be made to Hampshire County Council to hopefully ensure its continuance. The application process can be found by following the link.

What is a Definitive Map?

Each highway authority keeps a Definitive Map and Statement of all public rights of way - the formal legal record of the existence of footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic. In total it offers more than 137,000 miles of public footpath, bridleway and byway providing a level of access admired throughout the world.