Horndean Parish
Council is a statutory consultee for all planning applications in The Horndean
Area submitted to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) only making Recommendations and No Decisions: East Hampshire District Council is the main LPA for
Horndean for all residential and commercial development. Hampshire County
Council is the LPA for applications relating to Education as well as Minerals
and Waste applications.
Horndean Parish
Council responds to planning applications through its Planning Committee ; see Planning Agendas & Minutes http://www.horndeanpc-hants.gov.uk/Planning__and__Public_Services_Committee_4192.aspx
Planning applications are determined in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and the LPA's
own Planning Policies which are contained with the Local Plan. The
Plan consists of a number of documents including East Hants District
Council Local Plan, Core Strategy.
are also a number of supplementary planning guides and documents produced by
the Local Planning Authority and others to help inform anyone involved in the
planning process. If you are seeking advice on the planning system, the Planning Portal is the first point of call. Their
website aims to provide a one-stop-shop supplying answers, services and
information to anyone involved in the planning process - from home owners and
businesses to planning professionals and Government officials.
If you wish to view or comment upon any application within the Horndean
area, please click the link which will direct through to the search
function at East Hampshire District Council for Planning
Applications, Appeals and Enforcements.