Hampshire County Council


This is the time of year when we need to think about the state of Hampshire’s land drainage network. As the season for more rainy days approaches and leaves begin to fall, all riparian owners (those who have watercourses on or bordering their land) across Hampshire, should be checking the state of drainage ditches, pipes, culverts that carry watercourses to ensure there is unobstructed conveyance of surface (rain) water to reduce the risk of localised flooding.

Please see below link for leaflet/poster detailing what responsibilities riparian owners have and guidance on how to undertake this maintenance to reduce flooding from surface water. Please also review our updated web pages on flood prevention where there is a video about riparian responsibility and clearer advice on riparian responsibilities and ditch maintenance:

You can report flooding via the link Report floodingon our website or emailing us at fwm@hants.gov.uk

To reduce the risk of future flooding we would also appreciate being informed of any planned, ongoing or recent works to install a culvert, pipe or infill/realign a ditch (i.e. an ordinary watercourse) so that we can check that a land drainage consent is in place for those works. Please seeMaking changes to a watercoursefor further details.

If you have any further enquiries regarding this or any other areas of flood risk management, please visit our website for further information: https://www.hants.gov.uk/landplanningandenvironment/environment/flooding

Flood Risk Management - Landowners information leaflet



Making the most of our resources is key to ensuring we deliver the most effective and efficient highways service we can across Hampshire’s 5,500 miles of road. We continue to make the most of digital technology to ensure residents can keep up to date about highways works in their area, report issues to us, and plan their journeys.

These include:


Crime prevention Bulletin August 2024