Horndean Parish News - Autumn Edition Part 1

Horndean Remembers

Remembrance Service Photo 2024 

A huge “thank you” to all those involved in the Horndean Remembrance Service and Parade and for making the event such a success.

The parade from the Scout Hut was supported by several local organisations, led by the Horndean Marching Band and Parade Marshall G J Griffin to the Memorial Square. 

Remembrance Service Photo 2024 

Revd. Richard Hutchins led the Service along with support from Mike Williams and young people reading prayers. Several organisations laid wreaths, and Blendworth Brass Band accompanied whilst the people of Horndean were able to pay their respects.

AWM Photo from Remembrance Service

A wreath was laid by Parish Councillor Teresa Attlee and District Councillor Chris Hatter, at Holy Trinity Church Blendworth.

Cllr Teresa Attlee & District Cllr Hatter 

Wreaths were also laid at All Saints Church, Catherington, by Cllr Simon Freeman and at the Australian Airman’s Memorial, by Cllrs Andy Redding and Neil Smith.

Cllr John Lay, as Chairman of the Parish Council laid the wreath on behalf of Horndean Parish Council and Cllr Paul Beck laid the wreath on behalf of County Councillor Marge Harvey

HPC Cllrs Remembrance Service

Don’t forget that our next major community event will be: “Carols in the Square” on the evening of Tuesday 10th December, from 6:30pm. We hope to see you there. 

Horndean Parish News - Autumn Edition Part 2

An Aldi on the Havant Road?

Aldi is preparing a planning application for submission to East Hampshire District Council, for a new food store in Horndean.

The new store would be built on land owned by Keydell Nurseries, and which is now said to be surplus to their requirements (plan below).

 Aldi Horndean Site Map 

Aldi launched a virtual public exhibition on its plans which can be viewed between Monday 11th November until Sunday 24th November. It also held an in-person exhibition on 13 November at Barton Hall where the public were able to meet the project team and to ask questions.

We would urge residents to submit feedback to feedbackconsultation-online.co.uk

Information is available on Aldi’s project website, -

https://aldiconsultation.co.uk/horndean/ .

Aldi and its representatives have accepted our invitation to present its proposals at our next full Council Meeting on Monday 9th December. The meeting will commence at 7:00pm sharp, so please do come early, if you want a seat.

Speed Cameras Deployed and Working Well

The newly purchased Speed Cameras were deployed by the team of Councillors on the Speed Camera Working Party back in August, (as you can see by the photo, it was a little warmer then).


The cameras have provided us with some interesting data, which we will now be passing on to the police. The data not only shows the excessive speeds of some drivers travelling down Lovedean Lane, but also it shows that a good proportion of those caught on the cameras are persistent offenders!


It's also very interesting to note that the cameras will also pick up vehicles without road tax or MOT. That data is collated along with those breaking the speed limit and is passed to the relevant authority.

Sadly, some of those caught by the cameras, seem to think that it’s funny when the monthly stats are published and brag on social media about how many times, they have triggered the cameras. However, speeding at 66mph in a 30mph limit is a very serious matter when this road is used extensively by school children.
Following their first 3month stint, the cameras have now been relocated to another “Hot Spot” on Catherington Lane (South), to build up another evidence base that we will pass onto our colleagues at Speedwatch and to the South of Butser Policing team.

HPC Cllrs Speedwatch Image

Horndean Parish News - Autumn Edition Part 3

The First Project of the Horndean Green Trail and Heritage Network (HGT&HN) to Get Underway!


The “Horndean Green Trail and Heritage Network” is a working title (we promise), as it was chosen to represent exactly what it will eventually become. We will of course, rename it, so that it’s less of a mouthful before it’s official opening. The communities of Horndean will of course, be able to see and use the trail as each zone is developed.


We are delighted to have been awarded a grant of up to £35k from the DEFRA Rural Grant Fund towards implementation of early work on the HGT&HN project.


Based on the existing collection of sculptures in the Lith, there is scope to extend this to a wider and more magical experience, providing a combination of fantasy inspiration and wildlife education



This funding therefore, will be used primarily to develop and improve the Catherington Lith Sculpture Trail over the next 4 months.

Grant Funding Countryside Photo


Two further separate grant funding applications are currently under consideration at EHDC and HCC.
Due to time and availability constraints, the next meeting of the HGT&HN Strategy Group planned for December will now take place early in the New Year.


Havant Thicket Reservoir – Update

Horndean Parish Council was delighted to invite Ruari Maybank (Portsmouth Water's Project Director) and Terry Fuller (the Project Director of Future Water MJJV Limited - the main reservoir works contractor) to give a short update at its Full Council meeting on 4 November. Topics covered included planning and construction, environment and wildlife and education and leisure.


The presentation provided a good opportunity for residents and Councillors to learn first-hand about some of the benefits and challenges of the Havant Thicket Reservoir project. If there is sufficient interest, we may be able to arrange a further update at the Annual Parish Meeting in April 2025.


All the latest developments and updates, as well as a background to the project can be found at: https://havant-thicket-reservoir.uk.engagementhq.com/ 

(Councillor Teresa Attlee)



Horndean Parish News - Autumn Edition Part 4

Office Hours Revised to Limit Council Tax Increase

Rather than being funded by your Council Tax, much of the Parish Council’s project spending is funded by successful grant applications. Examples include the new play equipment installed at Five Heads Road and at Jubilee Park in the last 12 months, largely funded by developer contributions via East Hants District Council and the imminent work on Catherington Lith, mentioned earlier in this newsletter and funded by DEFRA.

However, pressures continue to build on our running costs, including Ash Dieback impacting significantly on the work of our Countryside Team and increases in Minimum Wage and National Insurance contributions, combined with the general need to pay our staff at the appropriate level. 

In order to continue delivering our plans to maintain and improve services to the community, Parish Councillors, and officers, have been poring over our 2025/2026 numbers. This is an essential exercise for all Councils as we look to balance budgets. You will almost certainly have noticed significant service reductions being announced in the past, and more being planned, at District and County level.

One of the ways that the Parish Council can offset increasing costs is by closing the Office one day per week. All of our office staff work part time, and we are very grateful to them for agreeing to amend their working days, allowing us to continue to offer an unchanged level of service, from hall bookings to the organisation of Remembrance and Christmas events, whilst achieving a significant cost saving. 

Friday has been chosen as the closing day, as this is when we rarely have visitors to the office, nor resident phone calls.

There is already the facility to leave voicemails, and any that are left on a Friday will be dealt with from 08:30 the next working day. Emails left over the extended weekend will also be answered as a priority.

Fly-tipper fined after waste dumped at Chalton beauty spot

A Havant man has been ordered to pay more than £2,000 in fines and costs after admitting to fly-tipping suspected asbestos-type material in the South Downs.

Owen Fletcher, of Tarrant Gardens, pleaded guilty to his part in dumping hazardous waste in a picturesque lane near Chalton. He was given a fine of £293 plus ordered to pay £117 victims’ surcharge and full compensation costs for clearing the hazardous waste of £1,850. He was also disqualified from being a company director for three years.

Next Council Meetings

Please Note: All meetings start at 7.00pm.
Residents are always very welcome to come along, observe and ask questions during the 20-minute period allocated for that purpose at any of our meetings.

Full Parish Council Meeting


Finance and General Purposes Committee


Grounds Committee


Planning and Public Services Committee 16/12/2024


Carols in the Square (6:30pm)


Havant Thicket Reservoir

Havant Thicket Reservoir - Update

Horndean Parish Council is delighted to announce that Ruari Maybank (Portsmouth Water's Project Director) and Terry Fuller (the Project Director of Future Water MJJV Limited - the main reservoir works contractor) will be giving a short update at the next Full Council meeting on 4 November.

This will be a good opportunity to learn first-hand about some of the benefits and challenges of the Havant Thicket Reservoir project, its impact on Horndean residents and to ask questions. We may be able to include a further update at the Annual Parish Meeting in April 2025.

As usual the Council meeting will start at 1900hrs at Jubilee Hall, Crouch Lane, Waterlooville, Hants. PO8 9SU. Click on the link below for more background about the project.

Havant Thicket Reservoir project

Havant Thicket Reservoir project

Stay informed by joining Havant Thicket Reservoir project havant-thicket-reservoir.uk.engagementhq.com

Auto Speedwatch Cameras


In response to continual requests from a large number of Horndean residents, HPC successfully applied for Auto Speedwatch cameras sponsored by EHDC . On 3rd July 2024 the cameras were installed on Lovedean Lane southbound. The Cameras are licensed for 11 locations throughout the parish and will be moved approximately every three months.

Now we have been operating the cameras for a month, it is time to provide an update on the data. The cameras record, on average, 80-100 speeding incidents per day above 34 mph. The cameras take a photo of the vehicle and data is recorded using number plate recognition. The cameras can record date/time, speed, Vehicle Reg, the number of offences and the average speed between two points. This information is then supplemented by DVLA data retrieving, make, model, vehicle tax and MOT status and stored on a web portal.

Data will be shared with the Police at a summary level, monthly, with specific persistent offenders also shared. The summary data will be shared with South of Butser Speedwatch to support their operations. There is a Whatsapp group to allow us to share progress/issues with other Parishes (including Beech, Steep, Sheet, Lindford, Liphook, Rowlands Castle, Four Marks, Selbourne, Binsted, Froxfield, Medstead etc...). This is EHDC wide and data can be co-ordinated across all those parishes.

We have noted a significant proportion of those detected speeding are commercial vehicles. The companies involved will be written to by Horndean Parish Council where their vehicles persistently offend.

Lastly we would urge everyone to focus on abiding by speed limits generally in Horndean. In the Lovedean Lane case (in a 30 Zone) nearly 30% of drivers are detected above 35 mph and the fastest speed recorded was 66mph. 19% of offences are above 40 Mph. It is no surprise that to/from work and school run times record the highest number of incidents, and the highest speeds are early morning and late at night generally. Rest assured the authorities are aware of these traffic patterns.

Shortly HPC will begin the deployment of new Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) in various parts of the parish to remind people of their speed and encourage them to slow down.

Please help us to make Horndean’s roads safer and please slow down.

Essential works have commenced at Hazleton Common.

Prior Notice

Essential works will shortly commence at Hazleton Common.

Pylons need to be replaced in order to maintain a reliable power supply to the parish.

Unfortunately, whilst disruption will be kept to a minimum the work being undertaken by SSEN is significant.

The site is a designated Local Nature Reserve and therefore the greatest of care will be exercised given the sensitivity of the area.

The planned schedule of work has been approved and will be monitored by an onsite ecologist commissioned by SSEN.

Councillor Vacancy




These vacancies will be filled by co-option at a meeting of the Council.

An application should, in the first instance, be made to the Chief Officer,
Mrs Carla Baverstock-Jones
Horndean Parish Council
Jubilee Hall,
Crouch Lane
P08 9SU
Tel: 02392 597766

Please contact the office for an information pack.

become a councillor




People from all backgrounds and experiences who are passionate about their local area can put themselves forward.

HORNDEAN PARISH COUNCIL is urging enthusiastic and engaged members of the community who want to make a long-lasting change, have innovative ideas or have concerns about a specific issue to stand as councillors for the opportunity to make a real difference.

The work is exciting and rewarding. An integral part of a councillor's role is engaging with local people, groups, and businesses to determine their needs, making decisions on the services and projects the council should take forward, and getting involved to ensure services meet the community's needs.

Find out more about and how to become a councillor:


become a councillor

Next Meetings

Full Parish Council Meeting

10 Feb 25 - 19:00


Planning & Public Services Committee

24 Feb 25 - 19:00

Full Parish Council Meeting

10 Mar 25 - 19:00

Staff Committee

17 Mar 25 - 18:00

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Please click on relevant tab to find out more

Please click on relevant tab to find out more